The Proper Way to Drink Wine, According to the Experts

Did you know that a recent survey showed roughly 75% of adults drink wine?

Navigating the complex world of wine drinking can be daunting. But knowing the proper way to drink wine allows you to appreciate your next glass of wine all the more.

Whether you’re a first-time wine drinker or not, it pays to check out an expert opinion on the right way to drink wine. That’s why we’ve put together this helpful guide to walk you through the finer details of drinking wine.

Read on for everything you need to know.

Look at the Label

Before you enjoy any good bottle of wine, you should take a good look at the label. You can learn a lot about how a wine might taste by simply looking for information on the label.

Warm-climate wineries usually produce fuller-bodied, riper wines with a more robust taste. Argentina, California, and southern France are examples of warmer wine-producing regions.

Cooler climates like Northern France, Germany, Chile, northern Italy, and the Pacific Northwest area of the United States tend to produce lighter, sweeter wines. You should also look for tasting notes and year of production to give you an idea of how your glass of wine will taste.


Good wine must be allowed to breathe in order to release its full aroma and character.

Decanters allow your wine to be exposed to air before you consume it. That exposure helps bring out more of the flavors in your wine, resulting in a superior tasting glass and the ability to experience all of the subtleties intended by the winemaker.

Why not check out this la crema pinot noir for a rich and complex wine to decant?

Pour and Swirl

The best way to drink wine is to experience it. 

Pour a small amount into a glass. While you’re pouring, take notice of the wine’s body. Does it appear slightly viscous? Does it coat the sides of the glass as you pour? All these can be good indicators as to a wine’s flavor.

Now, gently swirl the wine in the glass. Take notice of the wine’s body, density, and whether there is any sediment floating about. Practically opaque wines are often from warm-weather locations and have been aged for a shorter time.

Smell and Taste

Allow yourself to enjoy the complex bouquet of quality wine by taking a good sniff from your glass after swirling. Make a note of each individual element of the scent.

Take a small sip and allow it to roll around your mouth for a few seconds. You should try to determine whether the wine is sweet, dry, or has a lot of tannins. You might even pick up on another intense flavor that you weren’t anticipating.

Learning to assess and evaluate wine consciously improves the entire tasting experience.

The Proper Way to Drink Wine: Explained

So, that’s the 101 on how to taste wine like a pro.

Now that you know the proper way to drink wine, you can find a whole new love and appreciation for a fine glass of wine.

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