How to Make Good Coffee: A Guide for Beginners

It probably won’t surprise you to learn that over 50% of American adults drink coffee every day. So that’s approximately 150 million people all drinking roughly three cups a day.

That’s a lot of coffee!

And many of them don’t know how to make good coffee. Instead, they’ll hit up Starbucks on the way to work or make a quick Nescafe at home. Drinking coffee is simply a way to get through the day.

But there is so much more to coffee than a caffeine hit.

With the right beans and equipment, it’s the most delicious, relaxing way to start your day. Here is a beginner’s guide on how to brew coffee (great coffee!) at home.

Start With the Best Coffee Beans

Did you know there are four different types of coffee beans? There’s Arabica, Robusta, Liberica, and Excelsa, but the first two are the most common.

On top of that, 70 countries grow their own coffee and roast them differently. This can all affect the taste. So if you’re relatively new to brewing coffee at home, try different beans to see which you like best.

Kenyan coffee beans have an intense, full-bodied flavor with berry undertones. Alternatively, Ecuador’s coffee is sweeter with floral notes.

Grind Your Coffee Beans

Beginners may want to start with ground coffee, but if you want to learn how to make good coffee from scratch, you should know how to grind beans.

There are two main types of grinder: burr and blade. Burr grinders are more expensive but offer a finer grind. Blade grinders are much more affordable but don’t grind as evenly.

Only grind what you need to make a cup of coffee. This is around 2 tablespoons of coffee for every 6 ounces of water.

Use the Right Brewing Equipment

There are tons of brewing equipment choices you could choose when learning how to make good coffee. There is no right answer! Here are the two most common ways to brew coffee.

Immersion Brewing

The French press is a popular type of immersion coffee brewing.

The coffee is immersed in water and left to brew until the grounds are separated from the water via a filter and the coffee is poured. The longer the grounds are immersed in water, the more full-bodied the coffee.

Drip/Pour Over Brewing

This technique is where the coffee grounds are separated from the vessel via a coffee filter. The water is slowly poured over the grounds, creating coffee below.

With this type of brewing, the attention is focused on the speed of pour as opposed to the brew time.

Get Technical

If you want to get really geeky with brewing coffee, you’ll need a timer, thermometer, and scales. Some people believe coffee is a science, not an art, and are constantly measuring the best way to brew a perfect cup of coffee at home.

Here are a few coffee-making tips you can put to the test:

  • Use an oxygen-bleached filter
  • Hit a ratio of one part coffee to 20 parts water
  • Boil your coffee water temperature between 195 – 205°F
  • Drink your coffee within 30 minutes after brewing

Now You Know How to Make Good Coffee

That’s how to make good coffee if you’re new to brewing your own at home. It might take some trial and error to pick the right beans and learn how you like your coffee brewed. But ultimately, the taste and experience will be worth it.

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