4 Must-Try Keto Cakes In Singapore

Numerous types of diets surface now and then. Arguably, the ketogenic diet is one of the popular ones in and out of the city. It is a diet involving low carb and high-fat food items that could bring your body to a specific state called ketosis. According to Healthline, being in ketosis allows the system to burn more fat than usual. But despite following this diet, did you know that you could still enjoy sweets like keto cakes in Singapore?

Following a specific diet should not stop you from enjoying sweets—and a diabetic cake shop in Singapore agrees with this thought. They saw that numerous locals could not consume sugar or gluten because of their diet, medical conditions, or lifestyles, so they made the following cakes to satisfy their sweet tooth without feeling guilty:


Whether you are celebrating a birthday or craving cake for no reason, the classic chocolate cake is one of the best confections you could get. It can be hard to believe that there are keto chocolate cakes in Singapore, but they exist, and you can easily find them.


Strawberries and cream are two of the best flavour combinations for desserts. The tangy and sweet taste of strawberries could balance the richness of the cream. You could even ask your chosen diabetic cake shop if you could customise the sweetness of your pastry!


Unlike the classic New York-style cheesecake, its burnt Basque counterparts have a caramelised top and a rough appearance. They are widely available islandwide—you could even get them from keto meals delivery services in Singapore!


If you think you cannot finish a whole box of keto cakes, you could try a few tiny Hokkaido cupcakes topped with fresh fruit. This confection will be the perfect snack, dessert, or even a small gift to someone special!

Try these four keto cakes in Singapore today at Ange Bakes Keto! Visit their website below to order from their one-of-a-kind cake shop.